Make sure you take off your rose colored glasses, because you won't even see how ugly things get when someone takes advantage of you. They are easily deceived by the less scrupulous. The trouble is that Pisceans have no discrimination at all. Pisceans are happiest when they have created their own universe, and have filled it with people who understand their need for peace and beauty. Compassionate Pisceans believe life can be as wonderful as their dreams if people would only be nice to each other. Hopelessly romantic and generous to a fault, they fall in love easily and are very trustworthy, and trusting. It's always best to get your personalized horoscope reading by Experienced Astrologer.

This is an overview of the Daily horoscope for all Pisces Sun Sign born. They love movies, music, painting, and walking along the shore in the twilight. The Sun sashays into Pisces on February 18, kicking off Pisces season Fears and anxieties from the past may resurface for you to confront. Healthwise, past ailments are likely to vanish and health condition will be stable. Personal life will be smooth sailing as long as neither of you attempt to dominate over the. You need to control the outbursts of your temper and stop arguing with your partner or spouse over insignificant matters. Ruled by Neptune, Pisceans are sensitive and imaginative, Pisceans can turn their hands to any artistic or craft endeavor and succeed. You need to nurture your personal relationships carefully today, and give them the attention they are due. Things can get downright ugly when Leo pride ignores someone else's right to a mind of their own.Pisces are good at creating beauty in their lives. Make sure you really have the other person's best interests at heart, and don't just want to dominate them. When that advice is offered, Leos expect it to be followed to the letter. The trouble is, Leo pride refuses to admit that it is ever wrong about anything. Like the King of Beasts that is their zodiac symbol, Leos like to be the boss, and expect everyone to defer to them. Their pride and dignity makes them the kind of person others naturally look up to, and are always first to offer advice and counsel.

Leos enjoy company and love to spoil everyone and share their own good fortune. Ruled by the Sun, they love to shine and are great extroverts. Leos are good at being warm hearted, generous and kind. Already, just having the planets of love and communication in your sign at the same time is putting heart and mind on the same page, but they are set to become even more aligned during Mercury's final days.
Instead, with Venus slowing down and about to turn retrograde, they will soon start moving closer. Read your free daily Pisces horoscope (February 19 - March 20) forecasted by the Astro Twins. It is while this is still in the spotlight that there is a chance to simply be aware.įor Venus to have returned to Leo over a month before Mercury returned should mean that they have no chance of catching up.

As the North Node spends its last full day in your career sector and the South Node its last in your home and family sector they are vying for your attention as they have done every day for the last 18 months. It has been a few days since the Moon crossed the lunar nodes for the last time while they are policing your work/life balance, long enough to ensure the emotional fog of war is gone but recent enough so that you can still see clearly both sides of life's fence.